Montag, 16. Januar 2023


Tonie and Valmai Holt - Picture Postcards of the Golden Age. A Collector's Guide

Buch - London: MacGibbon & Kee 1971 (214, ill.)
Hinweis: A classic work on postcard collecting. Very well illustrated by 32 pages of half-tone pictures & eight pages in colour. The authors' primary concern is to give practical advice to the collector: where to find cards and how to go about starting a collection, how to restore and classify, how to value and date. All the major types of postcard are covered-topographical, commemorative, First World War, portrait, political. humorous, heraldic, silk embroidered and others. Many little-known facts are given about the development of the official postal stationery card which preceded the picture postcard itself, and about individual picture postcard artists and publishers. The appendix includes a chronology of historical events featured on postcards, lists of publishers and their trademarks, a chart of the main issues of 'officials', lists of today's postcard magazines and dealers, and the authors' own special key to valuing, which is proof against price inflation. (description from internet offer)

Diese Zusammenstellung © 2023 by CollectionTrivialitas

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